xfrun4 slow with many fonts

Eduard Roccatello xfce at roccatello.it
Mon Nov 3 22:54:33 CET 2003

On Monday 03 November 2003 11:47, Joe Stone wrote:
> I have a problem with xfrun4.
> Last week I installed many fonts and since then xfrun4 is veerrry slow.
what is your sys configuration and how many fonts have you installed?

i have a lot of fonts installed (on xfree 4.3.X) and xfrun open in 0.1-0.2 

> Why are fonts processed by xfrun4?
> How can I stop this behavior?
i think gtk themeable capacity is the cause.
other apps works well?

> Has somebody an idea?
we are investigating :)

> btw I have a running X Font Server.
which version or xfree do you have?
Eduard <Master^Shadow> Roccatello

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