XFce 4 final packaging ?

Francois Le Clainche fleclainche at wanadoo.fr
Thu May 29 15:06:05 CEST 2003


Two pages need to be rewritten before the website 
can be considered in beta stage too : download and overview.

Their content depend on XFce 4 final packaging.

I would like to know what it will be, so the website, if everyone agree,
could be supplemented, frozen, and ready for XFce 4 BETA (and then

20 separated packages with current names ?
xfce4-base + xfce4-libs + xfce4-tools + xfce4-extras-plugins +
xfce4-extras-themes ?
All to be downloaded from Sourceforge ?

Olivier ?


Francois Le Clainche
Website project : http://perso.wanadoo.fr/flc.web/fun/xfce/

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