xffm settings and mcs

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at xfce.org
Fri May 9 17:59:06 CEST 2003

Hi Edscott,

On Fri, 2003-05-09 at 14:43, edscott wilson garcia wrote:
> > The env. variable stuff don't work anyway. xffm complains "Invalid
> > Argument:TERM=<whatever I type>"
> Maybe the keypressed handler is sending something screwy now that it's
> an editable treeview. I don't have internet at the moment so my CVS is
> not up to date (I'll be pressing the "send" button tommorrow).

No, it wasn't working before either. And the keypress part is removed
anyway (it's a bit overhead to transmit the data each time a key is

> Actually I don't think it's the plugin that's broken, but rather my 
> idea of the plugin. As you have probably noticed, it has changed
> drastically from time to time, which just shows that I don't have a
> clear idea of how it should work. The plugin could definitely benefit
> from everybody's help.

I guess I can help, I wrote the mcs....

> I used environment variables because the coding is easier for me. Just a
> simple "getenv()" where required, instead of adding variables to the 
> associated structures. Whenever I change libs/types.h to add variables
> to the  associated structures, "make" will recompile everything, and on
> a slow machine that's a real pain. Throwing the variable to the
> environment, and later retrieving it when necessary, means that only one
> or two modules need to be recompiled. That way I cut down drastically on
> development time. 

Here I can't help :) However, this part is not supposed to change so
often si that should not impact the compile time.

> The environment variables were not meant to be saved by mcs, but rather
> inherited by the mcs from its parent process. This is what I thought at
> the coding time and may or may not have been a good idea. The theme and
> default icon size were being saved, so if they not anymore then
> something got broken. 

I'll double check then.

Olivier Fourdan <fourdan at xfce.org>

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