Split Screen View in xffm

Don Tanner mesa at linuxtux.org
Fri May 9 03:10:12 CEST 2003


I would like to suggest a split screen view in xffm.

Not only would this just be nice to have, it will complete the Drag+Drop capabitites of xfce4/xffm.

I believe that if you were to implement split screen it would be more economical time wise and
would of course negate the need for having 2 seperate xffm sessions which creates a less
streamlined desktop.

This could also save on system resources.

IMO, split-screen-view will make xffm a 100% usable and well rounded File Manager.

This would be wonderful !

I am positive that many (if not all) xfce4/xffm users would utilize this specific feature.

I (and many others) would greatly appreciate if you would consider my suggestion.


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