xftaskbar problem

Net Llama! netllama at linux-sxs.org
Mon May 5 22:14:55 CEST 2003

I just built xfce-utils, and it seems that the taskbar is broken:
xftaskbar4: error while loading shared libraries: xftaskbar4: undefined
symbol: xfce_system_tray_new

Am i missing something obvious?

Also the panel, menubar (i'm not sure what the official name is for it)
refuses to resize from Medium.  Or rather, it resizes just fine, but if i
have it set to autohide, as soon as it hides, it becomes this floating
silver bar about 1cm from the edge of the screen.

Lonni J Friedman				netllama at linux-sxs.org
Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo		     http://netllama.ipfox.com

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