switching desktops with mouse.. (possible bug)

Benedikt Meurer Benedikt.Meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de
Sun Jun 22 22:55:39 CEST 2003

On Sun, 22, Jun 2003, Olivier Fourdan wrote:


> There are basically two ways for implementing that feature:
> 1) Listen to mouse move events on the root window.
>    => Very simple implementation.
>    But, some apps don't let the events get thru, so we don't catch all
>    the events.
> 2) Map input only small windows on all edges that wil receive the events
>    => A bit more complex (not *that* much though), but requires 
>    definitely more code and testing, to avoid side effects with other 
>    apps. Furthermore, keeping those windows arround means that they must
>    be kept on top of the stack, whetever happens.
> The "switch workspace" option has been added recently, I was more or
> less against it, and I really don't see the point in adding more
> complexity to the code just for that.

I'm against this, or should I say "I klemmer this"? Anyway, if its part
of xfce, I'd prefer the 2nd solution. Its the technical better, although
the more complex one.

> Cheers,
> Olivier.


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