Howto release (suggestions)

Joe Klemmer klemmerj at
Mon Jun 16 19:09:30 CEST 2003

On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 05:41, Benedikt Meurer wrote:

> First: We have already two people for the release team: Luis Miguel Garcia and
> Net Llama, would be nice, if more people would join. Atleast it would be
> nice if people could join as translators for the release notes and
> do announcements for their Linux/Unix news sites in their country (e.g.
> I would do, and if
> nobody else wants to).

	I would love to help, Bennie.  I just don't have any time at the
moment.  I'm in the tail end of a move into a house and between that,
work, my son and my disability I just can't keep up.  I'm even way
behind in email.  I feel bad about not being able to contribute.  I
think Olivier is the only one around that has been using Xfce longer
than I have.  Maybe in a month or so things will settle down enough to
do some documentation or something.

	Man, I need to clone myself a few times.  Then I'd be able to do
everything I need to.

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