xfce4-session & XEmacs

Benedikt Meurer Benedikt.Meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de
Sat Jul 19 08:43:03 CEST 2003

On Fri, 18, Jul 2003, Ric wrote:

> For example, I noticed today that *nice* icon in the taskber system tray also 
> has a popup infotip which gives " # clients connected ".  That's really nice
> info 
> to have at the pointer tip.  I get a kinda warm, fuzzy feeling. :)  
> How often does it update that info?
> The reason I ask is because, after login, I can run xfdesktop to set the panel
> switcher names for the workspaces and then kill it.   However, after I kill it
> with a process manager, the popup infotip continues to show it connected even
> though it is not in the "Session control" list.  Of course, if I use the
> Session control window's "Kill client" to kill it, the popup infotip gets
> updated (decreased) immediately.  
> See what I mean? I really do not know if that is the way it was intended or a
> bug.  The only thing I can do is tell you about it. Then you have to decide
> ... and let us know.

That was actually a bug, its fixed now, thanks.

> > Anyway, xfsm still requires a lot of work, and I'll try to address it
> > after 4.0 is released. But nevertheless, its more important to have
> > the actual apps fixed, than adding workarounds to xfsm (thats our
> > policy for XFce in general, and xfsm will follow that as well).
> Agreed;  You are correct of course.  
> Please let me know if there is an ap that you know causes pain/won't work
> because 
> of something lacking in its code and not because of xfsm.  I will report that
> anomally 
> to them if it is something that I have experience with here(e.g., XEmacs).

I don't know about XEmacs, and I don't have time to check it
currently. So lets first get 4.0 released, and then come back to xfsm


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