iconbox won't make -CVS 030712

Tobias R. Henle tobias at page23.de
Sun Jul 13 15:09:47 CEST 2003

On 13 Jul 2003 11:31:31 +0200
Olivier Fourdan <fourdan at xfce.org> wrote:

| On Sun, 2003-07-13 at 11:17, Ric wrote:
| > Is that a  gtk+-2.0.6  compatibility problem or is there something else
| > wrong?  All the essientials in -devel built and have installed AOK; 
| > AFAIK, they look okay and nothing has died/burped or been weird except 
| > make in the 'extras'.
| Yes, it is an gtk-3.0 incompatibility. Now, everybody, be warned that
| anything that is not 2.0 compatible will be left out of the final
| release.
whats up don't you like me or my iconbox? :(

oliver: the only thing i read 'bout the iconbox on the list is that it is not
gtk2.0 compatible and that it does use internal functions of other xfce4
libs it should not use :((((

i thought i fixed this problems 3 months ago (removed any gtk2.X function and
jasper copied the two functions for comparing xids). if there is any other thing
missing which bothers you please tell me!!!!!

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