xfce4 problems with Launcher command

Brett I. Holcomb brettholcomb at charter.net
Sun Jul 6 18:22:19 CEST 2003

The program doesn't work at all.  Here's a summary of events.

1.  Under 3 the game started, and came up with a console.  You hit the ~ key
and get the menu.

2.  Under 4 the game starts, the console comes up.  However, if you hit the ~
key you simply get a black screen with no menu and have to restart X.
Although I have hit the ~ key and the console does not go away.  It appears
the key problem is intermittant.

3.  Thinking that the key problem may be a red herring I then modified the
program options so it doesn't start with the console.  I then got the main
menu displayed but the hourglass stayed there for 5+ minutes so I finally
killed X with clt-alt-bkspc.   While the hourglass was displayed I had no
control - I couldn't select any menu items at all.

I'm starting xfce from the command line at my login and I see no messages
when I return to the command line.

Are there logs somewhere I can look at or send you.  Is there any debugging
options or something else that would help get information?

I was running winex-cvs version 3.1.

Is there a way to switch desktops in 4?

Thank you.

> Bret,
> Just to make things clear, the game doesn't work at all or is it just
> one key that is not properly mapped ?
> I did try to run winex but the thing won't start...
> Cheers,
> Olivier.


Brett I. Holcomb
AKA Grunt <><



Brett I. Holcomb
AKA Grunt <><

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