FAQ?: Re: One small thing...

Benedikt Meurer Benedikt.Meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de
Sun Jul 6 11:16:28 CEST 2003

On Sun, 06, Jul 2003, Ric wrote:

> *****************************************************
> > Starting a default session does not popup a splash 
> > screen, whereas restoring a saved session 
> > does come up with a splash screen on startup.
> *****************************************************
> I was going to ask if it was a bug or intentional. Glad to
> know it is intentional.  This might be a good item for the
> FAQ's. 

It's not really intentional. I would like to show a splash screen when
starting a default session, but it is not really possible without
introducing a bad hack. I might try to "fake" a default session in the
future. That'll bring up the splash screen as well.

Anyway, since one usually start a default session only once, and
afterwards restarts a saved session, it does not matter that much :-)


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