
edscott wilson garcia edscott at
Wed Dec 24 03:42:32 CET 2003

Seems the svrg stuff introduces a lot of bloat. This is what Larry the
Cow (aka gentoo) has to say:

bash-2.05b# emerge -p  xfce4-panel

These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

Calculating dependencies ...done!
[ebuild  N    ] x11-libs/startup-notification-0.5  
[ebuild  N    ] media-libs/libart_lgpl-2.3.16  
[ebuild  N    ] dev-util/indent-2.2.9  
[ebuild  N    ] gnome-base/ORBit2-2.8.2  
[ebuild  N    ] gnome-base/libbonobo-2.4.0  
[ebuild  N    ] gnome-base/gconf-  
[ebuild  N    ] app-admin/fam-2.6.10-r1  
[ebuild  N    ] gnome-base/gnome-mime-data-2.4.0  
[ebuild  N    ] gnome-base/gnome-vfs-2.4.0  
[ebuild  N    ] gnome-extra/libgsf-1.8.2  
[ebuild  N    ] gnome-base/librsvg-2.4.0  
[ebuild  N    ] xfce-base/xfce4-panel-4.0.1  

removing gnome-base/librsvg:

bash-2.05b# emerge -p  xfce4-panel

These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

Calculating dependencies ...done!
[ebuild  N    ] x11-libs/startup-notification-0.5
[ebuild  N    ] xfce-base/xfce4-panel-4.0.1

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