Hungarian config files

Koblinger Egmont egmont at
Thu Aug 28 01:18:46 CEST 2003


I send you Hungarian configuration files ( and
Please apply them.

-------------- next part --------------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE xfdesktop-menu [
	<!ENTITY menu2 SYSTEM "menu2.xml">

     Explanantion of XFce 4 menu file: 
     Here we will try to explain the format of the menu file. Look at the
     actual menu below for the real examples.

<!-- Obviously, this is how you make a comment ;-) -->


  + Everything is between exactly one pair of 
    <xfdesktop-menu></xfdesktop-menu> tags.

  + Applications:
    <app name="Name in menu" cmd="Command to run" term="no" visible="yes" />
    'term' determines if the program needs a terminal to run
    Only 'name' and 'cmd' are required.

  + Separators:

  + Submenus:
    <menu name="Name in menu" visible="yes"></menu>
    Only 'name' is required.
    Between the menu tags you can define more applications, separators and 

  + Titles
    <title name="Name in menu" />
    Creates an insensitive menu title
  + Including other files:
    Other files can be included by using an xml trick. This is a little bit
    First you have to define a so called entity in the file header. See above,
    where we define a 'menu2' entity to point to a "menu2.xml" file.
    Then you can use '&entityname;' anywhere in the menu file and it will be
    replaced with the contents of the file the entity points to.
    This can be useful for example if you make a script that generates a gnome
    menu and put it in a separate file.
    <title name="Munkaasztal men??" visible="yes" />
    <app name="Program futtat??sa..." cmd="xfrun4"/>
    <app name="Termin??l" cmd="xfterm4" />
    <app name="F??jlkezel?? (xffm)" cmd="xffm"/>
    <app name="B??ng??sz??" cmd="mozilla"/>
    <menu name="Be??ll??t??sok" visible="yes">
        <app name="Be??ll??t??skezel??..." cmd="xfce-setting-show"/>
        <app name="H??tt??r..." cmd="xfce-setting-show backdrop"/>
        <app name="H??tt??r" cmd="xfce-setting-show backdrop"/>
	<app name="Munkater??letek" cmd="xfce-setting-show workspaces"/>
	<app name="F??jlkezel?? (xffm)" cmd="xfce-setting-show xffm"/>
	<app name="Felhaszn??l??i fel??let (gtk+)" cmd="xfce-setting-show ui"/>
	<app name="Icon box" cmd="xfce-setting-show xfibx"/>
        <app name="Eg??r" cmd="xfce-setting-show mouse"/>
        <app name="Ablaklista" cmd="xfce-setting-show taskbar"/>
	<app name="Billenty??zet" cmd="xfce-setting-show keyboard"/>
	<app name="Ablakkezel??" cmd="xfce-setting-show xfwm4"/>
	<app name="Marg??k" cmd="xfce-setting-show xfwm_margins"/>
	<app name="Panel" cmd="xfce-setting-show xfce"/>
    <app name="S??g??" cmd="xfhelp4"/>
    <!-- <separator/> -->
    <!-- Set visible to yes to use this item.
      This will exit the desktop manager. If you also put 
      'exec xfdesktop' at the end of your ~/.xinitrc, this menu item can be
      used to exit the X session.
    <builtin name="Kil??p??s" cmd="quit" visible="no"/>
    <!-- Example on how to include a file:
      1) declare an ENTITY in the DOCTYPE tag (see above)
      2) include entity in file: 

-------------- next part --------------
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <Panel orientation="0" layer="0" size="1" popupposition="1" icontheme="Curve" groups="15">
      <Control id="-2" popup="0">
        <Command term="0" sn="0">xfterm4</Command>
        <Icon id="12"/>
          <Command term="0" sn="0">konqueror</Command>
          <Tooltip>Konqueror f??jlkezel??</Tooltip>
          <Icon id="2"/>
          <Command term="0" sn="0">nautilus</Command>
          <Tooltip>Nautlius f??jlkezel??</Tooltip>
          <Icon id="2"/>
      <Control id="-2" popup="1">
        <Command term="0" sn="1">xffm</Command>
        <Icon id="2"/>
      <Control id="-2" popup="0">
        <Command term="0" sn="0">mozilla</Command>
        <Tooltip>Mozilla webb??ng??sz??</Tooltip>
        <Icon id="7"/>
      <Control id="-1" filename="">
        <Mailcheck interval="30">
          <Command term="0" sn="0">mozilla -mail</Command>
      <Control id="-2" popup="0">
        <Command term="0" sn="0">xmms</Command>
        <Icon id="6"/>
      <Control id="-1" filename=""/>
      <Control id="-1" filename=""/>
      <Control id="-1" filename=""/>
      <Control id="-2" popup="0">
        <Command term="0" sn="0">xfce-setting-show</Command>
        <Icon id="3"/>
          <Command term="0" sn="0">xfprint-manager</Command>
          <Icon id="9"/>
      <Control id="-2" popup="1">
        <Command term="0" sn="1">xfprint4</Command>
        <Tooltip>H??zzon ide egy f??jlt a nyomtat??shoz</Tooltip>
        <Icon id="9"/>
      <Control id="-2" popup="0">
        <Command term="0" sn="0">xfhelp4</Command>
        <Icon id="5"/>
      <Control id="-1" filename=""/>
      <Control id="-1" filename="" button1="1" button2="1" showtwo="0"/>
      <Control id="-1" filename=""/>
      <Control id="-1" filename="">
        <XfceClock Clock_type="2" Toggle_military="1" Toggle_am_pm="1" Toggle_secs="0"/>

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