wishlist from a blackbox and rox user...

Biju Chacko biju_chacko at vsnl.net
Wed Apr 30 04:01:16 CEST 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 29 Apr 2003 15:02:07 -0400, Matthew Weier OPhinney wrote:

>     1. In the window menus, a "Send to workspace..." option. In
>        blackbox, you can send the window to any of the workspaces;
>        middle-clicking the workspace name/number switches to that
>        workspace, as well.

There is a keystroke for this ... Ctrl + Alt + <Keypad Workspace Number>
This is configurable IIRC.

>     2. A method for setting application default net_wm hints. In
>        particular, a way to tell xfwm4 to start an application sticky
>        or iconified. Blackbox has two tools, bbappconf and bblaunch,
>        which will do some of these things; unfortunately, they're not
>        net_wm aware (yet).

This is intentional. According to the NET_WM spec, applications set
their own state. The WM doesn't.

>        As an example, I like to have gkrellm sticky; right now, I have
>        to tell it to be sticky after it has started. It would be nice
>        if I could simply start in in a sticky state.
>        This may be a task for a session manager; I'm not sure, though.

Yes it is ... I posted a howto to use gnome-session with XFce4. Check
the archives.

- -- b

- -- 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Biju 'botsie' Chacko                        biju_chacko at vsnl dot net
http://www.symonds.net/~botsie          Public Key available on request
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Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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