taskbar with two monitors (xinerama)

Joe Stone joe.stone at gmx.net
Fri Apr 25 11:08:38 CEST 2003

hi !

I've already compiled with --enable-xinerama.
Xinerama is working with me and xfce4. Windows snap to the border between the 
two heads, a window maximize only in one head and so on.

Only for information: I've written my last c-programm in the early 90s :-)

How can I produce Debugmessages?

But I tried the following:

in xftaskbar.c:
 taskbar->width = MyDisplayWidth(dpy, scr, 0, 0) - left - right;
replaced by
 taskbar->width = 400;
That works, the bar is 400px width.

next in libxfcegui4/libxfcegui4/xinerama.c:
in the function MyDisplayWidth
I worked out that HAVE_LIBXINERAMA is set.
But xinerama_heads, xinerama_infos and enable_xinerama are not set :-(

Next I tried to preload the variables with my values:
	static XineramaScreenInfo stj_infos[2] = {
	    {0, 0, 0, 1280, 1024},
	    {1, 1280, 0, 2560, 1024}
	static XineramaScreenInfo *xinerama_infos=stj_infos;
	  static int xinerama_heads=2;
	  static gboolean enable_xinerama=TRUE;

And this works !!!!!! The taskbar is sitting at the bottom of the left screen.

But why are xinerama_infos and so not overwritten by xineramaInit?

If somebody can tell me, how to produce messages with a command like 
printf("kgkjgk") or so, that would be nice.

Because of an exam on monday, I can't do anything till then, except learning.

have a nice weekend.

On Thursday 24 April 2003 22:37, Olivier Fourdan wrote:
> Joe,
> On Wed, 2003-04-23 at 22:04, Joe Stone wrote:
> > Sorry, but I know only http://members.home.nl/jbhuijsmans/xfce4-cvs.html
> > and the xfce4-dev at xfce.org as ressources for xfce4. Is there more?
> None that I'm aware.
> > But anyway, the root-menu from the desktop was not my primary question,
> > my problem was the taskbar.
> I tried to make xftaskbar4 xinerama aware in CVS. Unfortunately, I have
> no hardware to test it, so I'm affraid you'll try to se if that works.
> Please make sure that libxfcegui4 is compile with --enable-xinerama (as
> xinerama is disabled by default, unless specified at compile time)
> Let me know if that works,
> PS: Madkiss, I know you've been asking that for months :)
> Cheers,

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