xfce_movehandler patch to signal window movement

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at moongroup.com
Wed Apr 16 12:42:36 CEST 2003

Hey Toby,

Tobias Henle wrote:
> hi list,
> i have had a problem, i want to be notified if a window is moved with a 
> movehandler. i used some gtk stuff and could not find any solution so i 
> patched the movehandler so emit a signal on position change.
> i think this a good idea becourse it makes detection of window movement 
> easy and performant so please look at my changes.
> i wrote no patch and attached my changed files becoures i am not really 
> shure wether the marshal function should be in th movehandler file or 
> not but if anybody with cvs access would add the changes to the files 
> were they should be i would be very grateful!
> thanx & cya
>     -toby

Great! We really need this. Well, ok, *I* really need this in the panel 
as well. I have been too lazy to have a look at it myself.

I hope tonight I'll have some time to look at the patch, that is, if 
nobody else does so first.


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