Xfwm 4 screen captures

Javanx javanx at supereva.it
Tue May 7 23:44:28 CEST 2002

On Tue, 7 May 2002 21:20:42 +0200
Jasper Huijsmans <j.b.huijsmans at hetnet.nl> wrote:

> Frankly, Joe, I'm shocked ;-) You're really
> supposed to say no here, or rather NOOOOOOOOOOO!
> So, in case you won't object, I will.
> Until now the similarity to CDE has been one of
> the defining features of the project. I would be
> hesitant to throw that away too easily (mind you
> I don't even know CDE myself). 

I didn't say that the panel must have a look like
osx, I said that it would be a good idea to make i
themable so that anyone can make it work and look
like what they prefer. 
> BTW, I'm trying to port the panel to GTK2 at the
> moment and I would like to here any specific
> ideas about improvements to the panel or missing
> feature that you can't live without or, even
> better, existing features that you can't live
> with.

I already said it, I think it would be cool to
make panel work with a plugin system. It can be
something like a panel with some plugin slots and
in this plugin slots one can put a clock, a pager
or just a program launch icon like what there is
now. I heard that the new gdk implements a good
polimorphic system like the one of object oriented
languages so it shouldn't be too hard to make

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