[Xfce4-commits] <libxfce4ui:master> l10n: initial ossetian po file
noreply at xfce.org
Tue Jan 22 23:20:01 CET 2013
Updating branch refs/heads/master
to a861cdd1b9664148992a52cfaffe1d6aaad0ca17 (commit)
from 1100d6e87c395bd6e1867baa2d2eab7b1ce94be6 (commit)
commit a861cdd1b9664148992a52cfaffe1d6aaad0ca17
Author: Soslan Xwybylty <soslanx at gmail.com>
Date: Tue Jan 22 23:19:37 2013 +0100
l10n: initial ossetian po file
New status: 151 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 13 untranslated.
Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
po/{hr.po => os.po} | 421 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
1 files changed, 175 insertions(+), 246 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/hr.po b/po/os.po
similarity index 54%
copy from po/hr.po
copy to po/os.po
index 59c7538..4e3f15b 100644
--- a/po/hr.po
+++ b/po/os.po
@@ -2,70 +2,70 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: libxfce4ui\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-18 17:57+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-03-26 12:16+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Petar Koretić <petar.koretic at gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-22 18:15+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-23 02:18+0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Xwybylty Soslan <soslanx at gmail.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Ossetian\n"
+"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: \n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: Ossetian; Ossetic\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=!1\n"
#: ../libxfce4ui/xfce-dialogs.c:98
msgid "Failed to open web browser for online documentation"
-msgstr "Neuspjelo otvaranje web preglednika za dokumentaciju na mreži"
+msgstr "Нӕ рауадис онлайн документацийӕн веб браузер бакӕнын"
#: ../libxfce4ui/xfce-dialogs.c:213
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to read the %s manual online?"
-msgstr "Želite li čitati %s priručnik na mreži?"
+msgstr "Фӕнды дӕ %s разамынд онлайн бафӕрсын?"
#: ../libxfce4ui/xfce-dialogs.c:215
msgid "Do you want to read the manual online?"
-msgstr "Želite li čitati priručnik na mreži?"
+msgstr "Фӕнды дӕ разамынд онлайн бафӕрсын?"
#: ../libxfce4ui/xfce-dialogs.c:218
msgid "Online Documentation"
-msgstr "Dokumentaqcija na mreži"
+msgstr "Онлайн документаци"
#: ../libxfce4ui/xfce-dialogs.c:221
-msgid ""
-"You will be redirected to the documentation website where the help pages are "
-"maintained and translated."
-msgstr "Biti ćete preusmjereni na web stranicu dokumantacije gdje se stranice pomoći održavaju i prevode."
+msgid "You will be redirected to the documentation website where the help pages are maintained and translated."
+msgstr "Ды ӕрвыст ӕрцӕудзынӕ документацийы вебсайтмӕ, кӕм ӕххуысы фӕрстыл кусынц ӕмӕ сӕ тӕлмац кӕнынц."
#: ../libxfce4ui/xfce-dialogs.c:225
msgid "_Read Online"
-msgstr "_Čitaj na mreži"
+msgstr "_Бафӕрсын онлайны"
#: ../libxfce4ui/xfce-dialogs.c:237
msgid "_Always go directly to the online documentation"
-msgstr "_Uvijek idi direktno na dokumentaciju na mreži"
+msgstr "_Алкуыдӕр комкоммӕ онлайн документацимӕ цу"
#: ../libxfce4ui/xfce-dialogs.c:281
msgid "Information"
-msgstr "Informacija "
+msgstr "Информаци"
#: ../libxfce4ui/xfce-dialogs.c:314
msgid "Warning"
-msgstr "Upozorenje"
+msgstr "Хъусинаг"
#: ../libxfce4ui/xfce-dialogs.c:348
msgid "Error"
-msgstr "Grešla"
+msgstr "Рӕдыд"
#: ../libxfce4ui/xfce-dialogs.c:399
msgid "Question"
-msgstr "Pitanje"
+msgstr "Фарста"
#: ../libxfce4ui/xfce-sm-client.c:1403
msgid "Session management client ID"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Сессийы армдарӕны клиенты ID"
#: ../libxfce4ui/xfce-sm-client.c:1403
msgid "ID"
@@ -73,43 +73,36 @@ msgstr "ID"
#: ../libxfce4ui/xfce-sm-client.c:1404
msgid "Disable session management"
-msgstr "Onemogućite upravljanje sesijom"
+msgstr "Сессийы армдарӕн ахицӕн кӕнын"
#: ../libxfce4ui/xfce-sm-client.c:1414
msgid "Session management options"
-msgstr "Opcije upravljanja sesijom"
+msgstr "Сессийы армдарӕн фадӕттӕ"
#: ../libxfce4ui/xfce-sm-client.c:1415
msgid "Show session management options"
-msgstr "Pokaži opcije upravljanja sesijam"
+msgstr "Сессийы армдарӕны фадӕттӕ равдисын"
#: ../libxfce4ui/xfce-sm-client.c:1591
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to connect to the session manager: %s"
-msgstr "Nije uspjelo spajanje na upravitelja sesijom: % s"
+msgstr "Сессийы армдарӕнмӕ баиу кӕнын нӕ рауадис: %s"
#: ../libxfce4ui/xfce-sm-client.c:1598
#, c-format
msgid "Session manager did not return a valid client id"
-msgstr "Upravitelj sesijom nije vratio valjan id klijenta."
+msgstr "Сессийы менеджер раст id нӕ рарвыста"
#. print warning for user
#: ../libxfce4ui/xfce-spawn.c:413
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Working directory \"%s\" does not exist. It won't be used when spawning \"%s"
-msgstr ""
-"Radna mapa \\ \"% s \" ne postoji. Neće se koristiti prilikom gnježđenja \\ "
-"\"% s \"."
+msgid "Working directory \"%s\" does not exist. It won't be used when spawning \"%s\"."
+msgstr "Нӕй кусгӕ директори \"%s\". Архайд дзы нӕ цӕудзӕнис амӕн: \"%s\"."
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts.c:53
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This shortcut is already being used for the action '%s'. Which action do you "
-"want to use?"
-msgstr ""
-"Ova radnja je već u upotrebi kod naredbe '%s'. Koju radnju želite koristiti?"
+msgid "This shortcut is already being used for the action '%s'. Which action do you want to use?"
+msgstr "Ацы цыбыргонд нырид ӕвӕрд у ацы мийӕн: '%s'. Кӕцы мийӕ дӕ фӕнды архайын?"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts.c:54
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts.c:57
@@ -117,7 +110,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts.c:63
#, c-format
msgid "Use '%s'"
-msgstr "Koristi '%s'"
+msgstr "Сӕвӕр '%s'"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts.c:54
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts.c:57
@@ -125,69 +118,63 @@ msgstr "Koristi '%s'"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts.c:63
#, c-format
msgid "Keep '%s'"
-msgstr "Zadrži '%s'"
+msgstr "Ныууадз '%s'"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts.c:56
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts.c:59
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This shortcut is already being used for the command '%s'. Which action do "
-"you want to use?"
-msgstr ""
-"Ova radnja je već u upotrebi kod naredbe '%s'. Koju radnju želite koristiti?"
+msgid "This shortcut is already being used for the command '%s'. Which action do you want to use?"
+msgstr "Ацы ыбыргонд нырид ӕвӕрд у ацы командӕйӕн: '%s'. Кӕцы командӕйӕ дӕ фӕнды архайын?"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts.c:62
#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This shortcut is already being used by the action '%s'. Which action do you "
-"want to use?"
-msgstr ""
-"Ova radnja je već u upotrebi kod naredbe '%s'. Koju radnju želite koristiti?"
+msgid "This shortcut is already being used by the action '%s'. Which action do you want to use?"
+msgstr "Ацы ыбыргондӕй нырид нырид архайы ацы ми: '%s'. Кӕцы мийӕ дӕ фӕнды архайын?"
#. This shortcut already exists in the provider, we don't want it twice
#. Warn the user
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts.c:110
msgid "Please use another key combination."
-msgstr "Molim koristite drugu kmbinaciju tipki."
+msgstr "Дӕ хорзӕхӕй, ӕндӕр амонӕнты фӕлыстӕй спайда кӕн."
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts.c:111
#, c-format
msgid "%s already triggers this action."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s нырид ӕвӕрд у ацы мийӕн."
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts.c:116
#, c-format
msgid "Conflicting actions for %s"
-msgstr "Radnje u konfliktu za %s"
+msgstr "%s-ы митӕ нӕ фидауынц"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts.c:176
msgid "This shortcut is already being used for something else."
-msgstr "Ovaj prečac je već u upotrebi za nešto drugo."
+msgstr "Ацы цыбыргонд нырид ӕндӕр цӕмӕндӕр ӕвӕрд у."
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcut-dialog.c:209
msgid "Window Manager Action Shortcut"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Рудзгуыты армдарӕны миты цыбыргонд"
#. TRANSLATORS: this string will be used to create an explanation for
#. * the user in a following string
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcut-dialog.c:212
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcut-dialog.c:226
msgid "action"
-msgstr "akcija"
+msgstr "ми"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcut-dialog.c:216
msgid "Command Shortcut"
-msgstr "Prečac naredbe"
+msgstr "Командӕйы цыбыргонд"
#. TRANSLATORS: this string will be used to create an explanation for
#. * the user in a following string
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcut-dialog.c:219
msgid "command"
-msgstr "naredba"
+msgstr "командӕ"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcut-dialog.c:223
msgid "Shortcut"
-msgstr "Prečac"
+msgstr "Цыбыргонд"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcut-dialog.c:267
#, c-format
@@ -196,324 +183,324 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcut-dialog.c:291
msgid "Shortcut:"
-msgstr "Prečac:"
+msgstr "Цыбыргонд:"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcut-dialog.c:296
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcut-dialog.c:475
msgid "No keys pressed yet, proceed."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ныцы амонӕн уыд амынд, дарддӕр."
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcut-dialog.c:378
msgid "Could not grab the keyboard."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Нӕ рауадис амонӕнуатмӕ байхъусын."
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:36
msgid "Window operations menu"
-msgstr "Izbornik operacija prozora"
+msgstr "Рудзынгы операциты меню"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:37
msgid "Up"
-msgstr "Gore"
+msgstr "Уӕлӕмӕ"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:38
msgid "Down"
-msgstr "Dolje"
+msgstr "Дӕлӕмӕ"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:39
msgid "Left"
-msgstr "Lijevo"
+msgstr "Галиу"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:40
msgid "Right"
-msgstr "Desno"
+msgstr "Рахиз"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:41
msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Odustani"
+msgstr "Ныууадзын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:42
msgid "Cycle windows"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Рудзгуытӕ сзилын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:43
msgid "Cycle windows (Reverse)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Рудзгуытӕ сзилын (зыгъуыммӕ)"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:44
msgid "Switch window for same application"
-msgstr "Promijeni prozor za isti program"
+msgstr "Фӕстӕмӕ уыцы ӕфтуаны рудзынгмӕ аивын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:45
msgid "Switch application"
-msgstr "Promijeni program"
+msgstr "Ӕфтуан аивын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:46
msgid "Close window"
-msgstr "Zatvori prozor"
+msgstr "Рудзынг сӕхгӕнын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:47
msgid "Maximize window horizontally"
-msgstr "Maksimiziraj prozor vodoravno"
+msgstr "Рудзынг фӕйнӕрдӕм райтындзын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:48
msgid "Maximize window vertically"
-msgstr "Maksimiziraj prozor okomito"
+msgstr "Рудзынг уӕлӕмӕ райтындзын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:49
msgid "Maximize window"
-msgstr "Maksimiziraj prozor"
+msgstr "Рудзынг райтындзын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:50
msgid "Hide window"
-msgstr "Sakrij prozor"
+msgstr "Рудзынг айсын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:51
msgid "Move window"
-msgstr "Pomakni prozor"
+msgstr "Рудзынг ахӕссын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:52
msgid "Resize window"
-msgstr "Promijeni veličinu prozora"
+msgstr "Рудзынгы ас фӕивын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:53
msgid "Shade window"
-msgstr "Osjenči prozor"
+msgstr "Рудзынг батухын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:54
msgid "Stick window"
-msgstr "Lijepi prozore"
+msgstr "Рудзынг бандадзын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:55
msgid "Raise window"
-msgstr "Podigni prozor"
+msgstr "Рудзынг размӕ ракӕнын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:56
msgid "Lower window"
-msgstr "Spusti prozor"
+msgstr "Рудзынг фӕстӕмӕ акӕнын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:57
msgid "Raise or lower window"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Рудзынг размӕ ӕви фӕстӕмӕ акӕнын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:58
msgid "Fill window"
-msgstr "Ispuni prozor"
+msgstr "Рудзынг райтынг кӕнын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:59
msgid "Fill window horizontally"
-msgstr "Ispuni prozor vodoravno"
+msgstr "Рудзынг фӕрсӕрдӕм райтынг кӕнын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:60
msgid "Fill window vertically"
-msgstr "Ispuni prozor okomito"
+msgstr "Рудзынг уӕлӕмӕ райтынг кӕнын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:61
msgid "Toggle above"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Уӕлӕмӕ аиргъӕвын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:62
msgid "Toggle fullscreen"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ӕнӕхъӕн экран"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:63
msgid "Move window to upper workspace"
-msgstr "Pomakni prozor u gornji radni prostor"
+msgstr "Рудзынг уӕлӕрдыгон куыстуатмӕ ахӕссын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:64
msgid "Move window to bottom workspace"
-msgstr "Pomakni prozor u donji radni prostor"
+msgstr "Рудзынг дӕлӕрдыгон куыстуатмӕ ахӕссын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:65
msgid "Move window to left workspace"
-msgstr "Pomakni prozor u lijevi radni prostor"
+msgstr "Рудзынг галиуӕрдыгон куытуатмӕ ахӕссын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:66
msgid "Move window to right workspace"
-msgstr "Pomakni prozor u desni radni prostor"
+msgstr "Рудзынг рахизӕрдыгон куыстуатмӕ ахӕссын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:67
msgid "Move window to previous workspace"
-msgstr "Pomakni prozor u prethodni radni prostor"
+msgstr "Рудзынг аннӕ куыстуатмӕ ахӕссын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:68
msgid "Move window to next workspace"
-msgstr "Pomakni prozor u slijedeći radni prostor"
+msgstr "Рудзынг иннӕ куыстуатмӕ ахӕссын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:69
msgid "Move window to workspace 1"
-msgstr "Pomakni prozor u radni prostor 1"
+msgstr "1-ӕм куыстуатмӕ ахӕссын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:70
msgid "Move window to workspace 2"
-msgstr "Pomakni prozor u radni prostor 2"
+msgstr "2-ӕм куыстуатмӕ ахӕссын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:71
msgid "Move window to workspace 3"
-msgstr "Pomakni prozor u radni prostor 3"
+msgstr "3-ӕм куыстуатмӕ ахӕссын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:72
msgid "Move window to workspace 4"
-msgstr "Pomakni prozor u radni prostor 4"
+msgstr "4-ӕм куыстуатмӕ ахӕссын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:73
msgid "Move window to workspace 5"
-msgstr "Pomakni prozor u radni prostor 5"
+msgstr "5-ӕм куыстуатмӕ ахӕссын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:74
msgid "Move window to workspace 6"
-msgstr "Pomakni prozor u radni prostor 6"
+msgstr "6-ӕм куыстуатмӕ ахӕссын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:75
msgid "Move window to workspace 7"
-msgstr "Pomakni prozor u radni prostor 7"
+msgstr "7-ӕм куыстуатмӕ ахӕссын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:76
msgid "Move window to workspace 8"
-msgstr "Pomakni prozor u radni prostor 8"
+msgstr "8-ӕм куыстуатмӕ ахӕссын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:77
msgid "Move window to workspace 9"
-msgstr "Pomakni prozor u radni prostor 9"
+msgstr "9-ӕм куыстуатмӕ ахӕссын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:78
msgid "Move window to workspace 10"
-msgstr "Pomakni prozor u radni prostor 10"
+msgstr "10-ӕм куыстуатмӕ ахӕссын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:79
msgid "Move window to workspace 11"
-msgstr "Pomakni prozor u radni prostor 11"
+msgstr "11-ӕм куыстуатмӕ ахӕссын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:80
msgid "Move window to workspace 12"
-msgstr "Pomakni prozor u radni prostor 12"
+msgstr "12-ӕм куыстуатмӕ ахӕссын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:81
msgid "Tile window to the top"
-msgstr "Pomakni prozor gore"
+msgstr "Уӕлыйӕ сӕвӕрын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:82
msgid "Tile window to the bottom"
-msgstr "Pomakni prozor dolje"
+msgstr "Бынӕй сӕвӕрын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:83
msgid "Tile window to the left"
-msgstr "Pomakni prozor lijevo"
+msgstr "Галиуӕрдыгӕй сӕвӕрын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:84
msgid "Tile window to the right"
-msgstr "Pomakni prozor desno"
+msgstr "Рахисӕрдыгӕй сӕвӕрын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:85
msgid "Show desktop"
-msgstr "Pokaži radnu površinu"
+msgstr "Куыстуат равдисын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:86
msgid "Upper workspace"
-msgstr "Gornji radni prostor"
+msgstr "Уӕлдӕр куыстуат"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:87
msgid "Bottom workspace"
-msgstr "Donji radni prostor"
+msgstr "Бындӕр куыстуат"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:88
msgid "Left workspace"
-msgstr "Lijevi radni prostor"
+msgstr "Галиу куыстуат"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:89
msgid "Right workspace"
-msgstr "Desni radni prostor"
+msgstr "Рахиз куыстуат"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:90
msgid "Previous workspace"
-msgstr "Prethodni radni prostor"
+msgstr "Аннӕ куыстуат"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:91
msgid "Next workspace"
-msgstr "Slijedeći radni prostor"
+msgstr "Иннӕ куыстуат"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:92
msgid "Workspace 1"
-msgstr "Radni prostor 1"
+msgstr "Куыстуат 1"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:93
msgid "Workspace 2"
-msgstr "Radni prostor 2"
+msgstr "Куыстуат 2"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:94
msgid "Workspace 3"
-msgstr "Radni prostor 3"
+msgstr "Куыстуат 3"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:95
msgid "Workspace 4"
-msgstr "Radni prostor 4"
+msgstr "Куыстуат 4"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:96
msgid "Workspace 5"
-msgstr "Radni prostor 5"
+msgstr "Куыстуат 5"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:97
msgid "Workspace 6"
-msgstr "Radni prostor 6"
+msgstr "Куыстуат 6"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:98
msgid "Workspace 7"
-msgstr "Radni prostor 7"
+msgstr "Куыстуат 7"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:99
msgid "Workspace 8"
-msgstr "Radni prostor 8"
+msgstr "Куыстуат 8"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:100
msgid "Workspace 9"
-msgstr "Radni prostor 9"
+msgstr "Куыстуат 9"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:101
msgid "Workspace 10"
-msgstr "Radni prostor 10"
+msgstr "Куыстуат 10"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:102
msgid "Workspace 11"
-msgstr "Radni prostor 11"
+msgstr "Куыстуат 11"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:103
msgid "Workspace 12"
-msgstr "Radni prostor 12"
+msgstr "Куыстуат 12"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:104
msgid "Add workspace"
-msgstr "Dodaj radni prostor"
+msgstr "Куыстуат бафтауын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:105
msgid "Add adjacent workspace"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Сыхаг куыстуат бафтауын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:106
msgid "Delete last workspace"
-msgstr "Obriši zadnji radni prostor"
+msgstr "Фӕстаг куыстуат схафын"
#: ../libxfce4kbd-private/xfce-shortcuts-xfwm4.c:107
msgid "Delete active workspace"
-msgstr "Obriši aktivni radni prostor"
+msgstr "Кусгӕ куыстуат схафын"
#: ../glade/libxfce4ui.xml.in.h:1
msgid "Subtitle"
-msgstr "Podnapis"
+msgstr "Дӕлсӕр"
#: ../glade/libxfce4ui.xml.in.h:2
msgid "Titled Dialog"
-msgstr "Dialog sa nazivom"
+msgstr "Номимӕ диалог"
#: ../glade/libxfce4ui.xml.in.h:3
msgid "Xfce 4 Widgets"
-msgstr "Xfce 4 Widgeti"
+msgstr "Xfce 4-йы видджеттӕ"
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:52
msgid "Version information"
-msgstr "Informacija o verziji"
+msgstr "Версийы информаци"
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:70
msgid "Window Manager"
-msgstr "Upravitelj prozora"
+msgstr "Рудзынг армдарӕн"
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:71
msgid "Handles the placement of windows on the screen."
@@ -521,65 +508,51 @@ msgstr ""
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:74
msgid "Panel"
-msgstr "Ploča"
+msgstr "Панель"
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:75
-msgid ""
-"Program launchers, window buttons, applications menu, workspace switcher and "
+msgid "Program launchers, window buttons, applications menu, workspace switcher and more."
msgstr ""
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:79
msgid "Desktop Manager"
-msgstr "Upravitelj radne površine"
+msgstr "Куыстуат армдарӕн"
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:80
-msgid ""
-"Sets the background color or image with optional application menu or icons "
-"for minimized applications or launchers, devices and folders."
+msgid "Sets the background color or image with optional application menu or icons for minimized applications or launchers, devices and folders."
msgstr ""
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:84
msgid "File Manager "
-msgstr "Upravitelj datoteka"
+msgstr "Файл армдарӕн"
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:85
-msgid ""
-"A modern file manager for the Unix/Linux desktop, aiming to be easy-to-use "
-"and fast."
+msgid "A modern file manager for the Unix/Linux desktop, aiming to be easy-to-use and fast."
msgstr ""
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:89
msgid "Session Manager"
-msgstr "Upravitelj sesijom"
+msgstr "Сесси армдарӕн"
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:90
-msgid ""
-"Restores your session on startup and allows you to shutdown the computer "
-"from Xfce."
+msgid "Restores your session on startup and allows you to shutdown the computer from Xfce."
msgstr ""
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:94
msgid "Setting System"
-msgstr "Postavljanje sustava"
+msgstr "Уагӕвӕрӕн"
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:95
-msgid ""
-"Configuration system to control various aspects of the desktop like "
-"appearance, display, keyboard and mouse settings."
+msgid "Configuration system to control various aspects of the desktop like appearance, display, keyboard and mouse settings."
msgstr ""
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:99
msgid "Application Finder"
-msgstr "Nalaznik programa"
+msgstr "Ӕфтуан агурӕн"
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:100
-msgid ""
-"Shows the applications installed on your system in categories, so you can "
-"quickly find and launch them."
+msgid "Shows the applications installed on your system in categories, so you can quickly find and launch them."
msgstr ""
-"Prikazuje programe koje su instalirani na vašem sustavu u kategorijama, "
-"tako da ih možete brzo pronaći i pokrenuti."
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:104
msgid "Settings Daemon"
@@ -590,164 +563,132 @@ msgid "D-Bus-based configuration storage system."
msgstr ""
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:112
-msgid ""
-"Xfce is a collection of programs that together provide a full-featured "
-"desktop environment. The following programs are part of the Xfce core:"
+msgid "Xfce is a collection of programs that together provide a full-featured desktop environment. The following programs are part of the Xfce core:"
msgstr ""
-"Xfce je skup programa koji zajedno pružaju potpuno opremljeno radno "
-"okruženje. Sljedeći programi su dio Xfce jezgre:"
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:136
-msgid ""
-"Xfce is also a development platform providing several libraries, that help "
-"programmers create applications that fit in well with the desktop "
+msgid "Xfce is also a development platform providing several libraries, that help programmers create applications that fit in well with the desktop environment."
msgstr ""
-"Xfce je također razvojna platforma pruža nekoliko knjižnica, koje pomažu "
-"programerima da stvaraju prgrame koje se dobro uklapaju u radno okruženje."
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:142
-msgid ""
-"Xfce components are licensed under free or open source licences; GPL or BSDL "
-"for applications and LGPL or BSDL for libraries. Look at the documentation, "
-"the source code or the Xfce website (http://www.xfce.org) for more "
+msgid "Xfce components are licensed under free or open source licences; GPL or BSDL for applications and LGPL or BSDL for libraries. Look at the documentation, the source code or the Xfce website (http://www.xfce.org) for more information."
msgstr ""
-"Xfce komponente su licencirani pod slobodnim ili licencama otvorenoga koda; "
-"GPL ili BSDL za programe i LGPL ili BSDL za knjižnice. Pogledajte "
-"dokumentaciju, izvorni kod ili Xfce web (http://www.xfce.org) za više "
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:149
msgid "Thank you for your interest in Xfce."
-msgstr "Hvala na Vašem interesu za Xfce."
+msgstr "Бузныг Xfce дӕм цымыдисон кӕй фӕкаст."
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:153
msgid "The Xfce Development Team"
-msgstr "Xfce razvojni tim"
+msgstr "Xfce аразджыты бал"
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:262
-msgid ""
-"If you know of anyone missing from this list; don't hesitate and file a bug "
-"on <http://bugzilla.xfce.org> ."
-msgstr ""
-"Ako znate tko nedostaje sa ovoga popisa, ne oklijevajte i prijavite bug na "
-"<http://bugzilla.xfce.org> ."
+msgid "If you know of anyone missing from this list; don't hesitate and file a bug on <http://bugzilla.xfce.org> ."
+msgstr "Кӕд ды зоныс искӕй, кӕцы номхыгъды нӕй, фӕлӕ хъуамӕ уа, уӕд ма дызӕрдыг кӕн ӕмӕ фехъусын кӕн ардӕм: <http://bugzilla.xfce.org> ."
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:266
msgid "Thanks to all who helped making this software available!"
-msgstr "Hvala svima koji su pomogli učiniti ovaj software dostupnim!"
+msgstr "Бузныг алкӕмӕн, ацы софт чи баххуыс кодта рауадзын!"
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:283
-msgid ""
-"Xfce 4 is copyright Olivier Fourdan (fourdan at xfce.org). The different "
-"components are copyrighted by their respective authors."
-msgstr "Xfce 4 autorsko pravo Olivier Fourdan (fourdan at xfce.org). Različiti dijelovi su autorska prava njihovih poštovanih autora."
+msgid "Xfce 4 is copyright Olivier Fourdan (fourdan at xfce.org). The different components are copyrighted by their respective authors."
+msgstr "Xfce 4-ы авторы бартӕ дары Olivier Fourdan (fourdan at xfce.org). Ӕндӕр компоненты авторы бартӕ дарынц сӕхи автортӕ."
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:288
-msgid ""
-"The libxfce4ui, libxfcegui4, libxfce4util, thunar-vfs and exo packages are "
-"distributed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as "
-"published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, "
-"or (at your option) any later version."
-msgstr ""
+msgid "The libxfce4ui, libxfcegui4, libxfce4util, thunar-vfs and exo packages are distributed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version."
+msgstr "Тыхтӕттӕ libxfce4ui, libxfcegui4, libxfce4util, thunar-vfs ӕмӕ exo сты Free Software Foundation-ы GNU General Public License-ы бын уагъд; дыккаг кӕнӕ (дӕ фӕндонӕй) кӕцыфӕнды нӕуӕгдӕр фӕлтӕр."
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:295
-msgid ""
-"The packages thunar, xfce4-appfinder, xfce4-panel, xfce4-session, xfce4-"
-"settings, xfce-utils, xfconf, xfdesktop and xfwm4 are distributed under the "
-"terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software "
-"Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later "
-msgstr ""
+msgid "The packages thunar, xfce4-appfinder, xfce4-panel, xfce4-session, xfce4-settings, xfce-utils, xfconf, xfdesktop and xfwm4 are distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version."
+msgstr "Тыхтӕттӕ thunar, xfce4-appfinder, xfce4-panel, xfce4-session, xfce4-settings, xfce-utils, xfconf, xfdesktop ӕмӕ xfwm4 сты Free Software Foundation-ы GNU General Public License-ы бын уагъд; дыккаг кӕнӕ (дӕ фӕндонӕй) кӕцыфӕнды нӕуӕгдӕр фӕлтӕр."
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:442
#, c-format
msgid "Type '%s --help' for usage information."
-msgstr "Upiši '%s --help za informaciju o uporabi."
+msgstr "Бафысс '%s --help' архайыны тыххӕй информацийӕн."
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:448
msgid "Unable to initialize GTK+."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Нӕ уайы GTK+ баиу кӕнын."
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:457
msgid "The Xfce development team. All rights reserved."
-msgstr "Xfce razvojni tim. Sva prava pridržana."
+msgstr "Xfce-йы аразджыты бал. Бартӕ ӕвӕрд сты."
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:458
#, c-format
msgid "Please report bugs to <%s>."
-msgstr "Molimo prijavite bugove na <%s>."
+msgstr "Дӕ хорзӕхӕй, рӕдыдтыты тыххӕй фехъусын кӕн ам: <%s>."
#. I18N: date/time the translators list was updated
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:461
#, c-format
msgid "Translators list from %s."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Тӕлмацгӕнджыты номхыгъд, %s."
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:471
msgid "Failed to load interface"
-msgstr "Nije uspjelo učitavanje sučelja"
+msgstr "Нӕ рауадис интерфейс сиу кӕнын"
#. I18N: first %s will be replaced by the version, second by
#. * the name of the distribution (--with-vendor-info=NAME)
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:485
#, c-format
msgid "Version %s, distributed by %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Верси %s, рауагъта йӕ %s"
#. I18N: %s will be replaced by the Xfce version number
#: ../xfce4-about/main.c:489
#, c-format
msgid "Version %s"
-msgstr "Verzija %s"
+msgstr "Верси %s"
#. { N_("Project Lead"),
#. xfce_contributors_lead
#. },
#: ../xfce4-about/contributors.h:121
msgid "Core developers"
-msgstr "Temeljni razvijatelji"
+msgstr "Бындур аразджытӕ"
#: ../xfce4-about/contributors.h:124
msgid "Active contributors"
-msgstr "Aktivni doprinositelji"
+msgstr "Ныры архайджытӕ"
#: ../xfce4-about/contributors.h:127
msgid "Servers maintained by"
-msgstr "Poslužitelje održava"
+msgstr "Сервертӕ дарынц"
#: ../xfce4-about/contributors.h:130
msgid "Goodies supervision"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Утилитӕтӕм фӕлгӕсӕг"
#: ../xfce4-about/contributors.h:133
msgid "Translations supervision"
-msgstr "Nadzor prijevoda"
+msgstr "Тӕлмӕцты фӕлгӕсӕг"
#: ../xfce4-about/contributors.h:136
msgid "Translators"
-msgstr "Prevoditelji"
+msgstr "Тӕлмацгӕнджытӕ"
#: ../xfce4-about/contributors.h:139
msgid "Previous contributors"
-msgstr "Prethodni doprinositelji"
+msgstr "Раздӕры архайджытӕ"
#: ../xfce4-about/xfce4-about.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "About Xfce"
-msgstr "O Xfce-u"
+msgstr "Xfce-йы тыххӕй"
#: ../xfce4-about/xfce4-about.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Information about the Xfce Desktop Environment"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Xfce Куыстуатон Рӕнхъы тыххӕй информаци"
#: ../xfce4-about/xfce4-about-dialog.glade.h:1
msgid "About"
-msgstr "O programu"
+msgstr "Ай тыххӕй"
#: ../xfce4-about/xfce4-about-dialog.glade.h:2
msgid "About the Xfce Desktop Environment"
-msgstr "O Xfce radnom okruženju"
+msgstr "Xfce Куыстуатон Рӕнхъы тыххӕй"
#: ../xfce4-about/xfce4-about-dialog.glade.h:3
msgid "BSD"
@@ -755,11 +696,11 @@ msgstr "BSD"
#: ../xfce4-about/xfce4-about-dialog.glade.h:4
msgid "Copyright"
-msgstr "Autorska prava"
+msgstr "Копирайт"
#: ../xfce4-about/xfce4-about-dialog.glade.h:5
msgid "Credits"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Бузныгтӕ"
#: ../xfce4-about/xfce4-about-dialog.glade.h:6
msgid "GPL"
@@ -771,17 +712,5 @@ msgstr "LGPL"
#: ../xfce4-about/xfce4-about-dialog.glade.h:8
msgid "License"
-msgstr "Licenca"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This shortcut is already being used for another window manager action. "
-#~ "Which action do you want to use?"
-#~ msgstr "Ova kratica je već u upotrebi. Koju radnju želite koristiti?"
-#~ msgid "Keep the other one"
-#~ msgstr "Zadrži onu drugu"
+msgstr "Лицензи"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This shortcut is already being used by a window manager action. Which "
-#~ "action do you want to use?"
-#~ msgstr "Ova kratica je već u upotrebi. Koju naredbu želite koristiti?"
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