Whisker menu slow to open

Matt Connell matt at connell.tech
Tue Feb 4 23:48:26 CET 2020

On 2020-02-04 14:54, Graeme Gott wrote:
> Does this happen with the regular Xfce menu? 

No, the regular xfce applications menu is totally responsive.

>And does this happen every time you open Whisker Menu?

No, not every time.

What I also just discovered is that if it is frozen, while I am waiting, 
I can click away (anywhere else) and the menu will appear momentarily 
before closing.

I've also discovered that the appearance of non-responsiveness is not 
limited to the panel that has the whisker menu on it.  If I have a 
periodicly re-drawing application (eg. htop) running and visible, and I 
induce the freezing behavior, the terminal window stops re-drawing as well.

I am starting to believe that Jim Dean (other reply) is onto something 
with the vblank mode, since this is starting to feel less like a whisker 
menu thing and more like an xfwm thing.

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