GUI for setting timezone

Lorenzo Sutton lorenzofsutton at
Wed Jun 13 09:18:46 CEST 2018

On 12/06/2018 01:50, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> For the longest time, I used system-config-date for setting my timezone, 
> as I travel a lot.
> Recently I jumped from Fedora 24 to F28 and system-config-date is no 
> longer supplied.  And I find out it is also not in F25, so I assume it 
> was dropped for quite a while.
> Bad for me.  And others that do move timezones.
> Is there anything equivalent in Xfce?  The clock app can set what 
> timezone it wants to show through a text block (no nice world map), but 
> this does not update the system timezone from what I have seen.

True. Although one neat feature of XFCE panel + clock is that you can 
add multiple ones each with its timezone and even cusomised string... so 
when I am travelling in a different timezone or working a lot with 
people in different timezone(s) I can actually have two clocks showing 
respective timezones in the panel. Like here:


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