Monitor dependent DPI size with shared home

Vinzenz Vietzke vinz at
Mon Nov 20 20:16:05 CET 2017


> At our institute the home directory is shared over NFS, so a user can
> log in at different systems, and get the same home directory.
> We would like to get HiDPI monitors with new systems, and face the
> problem, that certain configuration options, like the custom DPI setting
> for the font (Settings → Appearance → Fonts), are not monitor dependent
> but “global”.
> So users increasing the font size on their HiDPI monitor, will have a
> too big font, when they log in at the PC pool with old “normal” monitors.
> Does Xfce 4.12 support this use case?

no, not out of the box. But you could go with some scripting.

Place a bash script into .xinitrc or into .config/autostart/ which:

1. detects monitor size with xpdyinfo or xrandr as mentioned here:

2. runs "xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Xft/DPI -s <your preferred dpi>"
depending on the previously detected resolution.

I'd recommend you to set different themes for Gtk and window borders as
well to avoid small UI elements.


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