obnoxious bug

Allin Cottrell cottrell at wfu.edu
Sat Dec 23 02:17:00 CET 2017

On Fri, 22 Dec 2017, ToddAndMargo wrote:

> Dear Xfce Developers,
> Fedora 27
> Xfce 4.12
> This bug
> https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12516
> Is so, so  *** O B N O X I O U S *** that it drives me insane when
> trying to write technical documents.  If you scroll wheel too
> fast, Xfce changes programs not lines.

Are you sure your description is correct? I've seen the scroll-wheel 
take me to a different program when that was not intended, but (I'm 
pretty sure) only if I let the mouse pointer "escape" off the target 
window onto the desktop, where scrolling switches virtual desktops.

If that is what is actually happening with you, you might want to 
try disabling "Switch workspaces using the mouse wheel" under the 
Properties of the Workspace Switcher.

I'm not able to replicate fast wheel-work taking me off the target 
window, so long as the cursor stays in bounds.

Allin Cottrell

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