composing accented characters

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at
Thu Sep 8 15:44:01 CEST 2016

On Thu, 8 Sep 2016 11:46:22 +0100, Damien Moore wrote:
>Hello and thank you for your efforts. I am using Xfce 4.10 as
>distributed with Debian 8. Is there a way to compose accented
>characters within Xfce? I have worked out how to do this inside
>LibreOffice by redefining seldom used function keys, but I was
>thinking of a method of more general application which could be used
>for notes, emails etc.


either you need to chose the correct keyboard variant with dead keys,
IOW not the option "nodeadkeys" or you could use the Unicode to get the
char by pushing Ctrl+Shit+U and then typing the number of the unicode
and after that pushing space or enter.

If you push the dead key  ´   and then   a   you get   á  .

If you push   Ctrl+Shit+U   and after that the number   00e1   and
enter   you get   á  , .


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