Keyboard settings don't stick or don't work

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at
Thu Mar 17 09:20:27 CET 2016


On 17 March 2016 at 02:11, MR ZenWiz <mrzenwiz at> wrote:

> I'm running Xubuntu 14.04.4 with xfwm4 v 4.11.1.

That's a fairly old version of Xubuntu shipping an unstable development
snapshot of xfce.

I dunno if a more recent version would fix your issue but I wouldn't advise
to use an unstable development version, also because there are now more
recent versions of Xubuntu which ship xfce 4.12,

> I recently installed this from the Xubuntu ISO fresh and have noticed
> some strange issues with the Windows Manager keyboard bindings - they
> either don't stick or they just don't work.
> I prefer to use a different set of key combinations for moving between
> workspaces and moving windows between workspaces from the ones that
> come with the default installation.  If for no other reason, <ctl><F4>
> means to close a tab in most programs, but this shifts me to ws4 in
> this installation.
> So I changed them to ones I prefer.  These work for a while, but after
> some apparently random time period, and usually after any reboot, the
> bindings are lost or just don't work.

The keyboard shortcuts are not directly managed in xfwm4 but rely on a
common library that manages all keyboard shortcuts.

> ​[...]
> Where is the file that contains these settings


> and how can I make them
> stick so I don't have to reset them on every reboot and after random
> intervals when they stop working?

​See here:


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