Krusader is missing its dialog box

Petter Adsen petter at
Tue Mar 15 20:54:06 CET 2016

On Tue, 15 Mar 2016 11:16:24 -0700
ToddAndMargo <ToddAndMargo at> wrote:

> On 03/15/2016 09:28 AM, Petter Adsen wrote:
> > On Sun, 13 Mar 2016 06:00:15 -0700
> > ToddAndMargo <ToddAndMargo at> wrote:
> >  
> >> Hi All,
> >>
> >> Maybe you guys know the answer to this one?
> >>
> >> Krusader 2.4.0-beta3  (both machines)
> >>
> >> On my Scientific Linux 7.2 x64 machine (Xfce 4.10), when I copy
> >> or move or delete a large file, I get a progress dialog box.
> >>
> >>
> >> On my Fedora Core 23, x64 machine (Xfce 4.12), I do not.
> >>
> >> Any idea how do I get my copy dialog box back?
> >
> > Krusader is a KDE application AFAIK, so this is probably the wrong
> > place to ask. Sorry.
> >
> Hi Peter,
> If I ask the KDE group, they have no clue about Xfce.

But the dialog box provided by Krusader is part of the KDE libraries
or Krusader itself, it has nothing at all to do with Xfce. As you say,
if you use Thunar you will see the dialog box that Thunar provides, Xfce
is not involved in whether or not Krusader displays a dialog. The
problem lies either in Krusader or one of the many KDE libraries.

You are probably running an older version on the machine where you get
the dialog, you could try downgrading to the same version on the other
machine. There could also be a configuration setting, maybe a hidden
one, for whether a dialog is displayed or not.

> I can't be the only one using Krusader on Xfce.  It is
> ugly, but the most supremely useful file manager I have
> ever one across.  I can't live without it.

Most people who use Xfce probably tries to stay with GTK applications,
to avoid dragging in the whole KDE stack. Sure, some of us use KDE
applications, but this is in general not the best place to ask for help
that is specific to them. I didn't mean to be rude by pointing this
out, I'm simply saying that there are other places where you are more
likely to find people who can actually help you :)

As an aside, I can recommend SpaceFM as a GTK file manager - I find it
very useful. Easy to customize and extend, it has extensive
capabilities for adding custom scripts etc. It isn't as pretty or
tightly integrated as some other file managers, but it's very powerful.


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