Thunar sftp/ssh connection stopps working
Friedrich Strohmaier
gmane at
Mon Oct 12 01:51:08 CEST 2015
Hi xfce experts,
since some time thunar doesn't want me to open sftp/ssh connected folders. If I try I get the following message:
Failed to open "/my/remote/path on my.remote.server"
access denied
I *can* connect that server and it's folders via command line sftp/ssh. mc and
filezilla also can do. For some server, presumably with access allowed via
password authentication, I get a password request dialog.
So my assumption is that thunar cannot use ssh-keys/ssh-agent for
Archlinux guys could not help, and could not find any issue in bugzilla.
Any ideas how to get further to solve this?
My system:
Archlinux x86_64, xfce4 4.12 Thunar 1.6.10
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