window sizing and maximizing wish feature

Thomas Lynch thomas.lynch at
Mon Nov 23 14:55:17 CET 2015

Technology has given some of us wonderful huge displays.  Consequently,
maximize window isn't what it used to be, and can even be a landmine and
explosion of light.

I suspect a lot of us would be more satisfied if the screen size selections
were the last two or three screen sizes created by resizing the window, or
to minimize. Or at least they came from a configuation file or something of
the sort.

After years of being frustrated by overly fancy window managers I feel
somewhat relieved to be using Xfce.  (I even went back to Tom's for a
while).  I hope this feature suggestion is solid (based on the reality of
change in screen resolution) rather than falling into the category of

And thanks for the great work.
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