Configuration conpletly lost after unclean shutdown

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at
Mon Jul 21 17:51:00 CEST 2014

On Mon, 2014-07-21 at 17:33 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times:
> It's not really related to this thread, but anyway a hint that a lot of
> important things are squishy.
> Regarding to the topic, it might be important what kind of drive was
> used. Imagine that accident prevention for Xfce is written to fit to
> common file systems and HDDs, but perhaps might lack for "exotic" file
> systems and modern "drives".


"I used Xfce4 mostly with Arch 64-bit, but also with Ubuntu Studio
64-bit and Debian 32-bit for a very long time" oops and I still use it
for my less used FreeBSD install :), stable for my FreeBSD install
too :). I don't use exotic file systems and I use MBR based hard disk

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