Accessing an NFS share via Thunar

Chris Stankevitz chrisstankevitz at
Mon Jan 20 03:52:40 CET 2014


Can someone please explain how to access an NFS share from XFCE?  I
have tried this:

1. Open Thunar 1.6.2

2. Click Go | Open Location

3. Start typing "nfs:/"

4. Observer the dialog express displeasure by disabling the OK button
and displaying a "do not enter" icon.

I suspect the answer is one of:

a) Looks like you did not compile Thunar with the gvfs extension,
sub-type fuse with udev and the nfs overlay, polkit option, and
HAL/consolekit derivatives.

b) Thunar's "Open Location" doesn't work with NFS.  Never has, never
will.  That's why your googling turned up nothing.

c) What's wrong with "su; mount" you lazy ignoramus?

PS: I'm running gentoo linux, but I'm happy with an OS-agnostic answer.

Thank you,


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