desktop for Mageia 4?

Beartooth beartooth at
Sun Feb 9 21:58:19 CET 2014

On Thu, 06 Feb 2014 22:25:09 +0100, Stephan Haller wrote:

> Hi,
> Am Donnerstag, den 06.02.2014, 20:12 +0000 schrieb Beartooth:
>> 	I'm not sure what I'm running (and don't know how to check) on a
>> new install of Mageia 4; but it sure doesn't seem to me to be my
>> favored xfce4. Anybody know a safe and sure way to get it?? (I haven't
>> spotted any choice on the login screen ...)
> Good question. I have never thought about it ;) Maybe this way helps to
> identify the desktop if it is not identified visually.
> Run the following command on a terminal at the desktop:
> export -p | grep DESKTOP_SESSION
> I woulde expect an output similar to this:
> declare -x DESKTOP_SESSION="Xfce Session"
> I should contain "Xfce".

	Alas! I get:

[btth at localhost ~]$ export -p | grep DESKTOP_SESSION
declare -x DESKTOP_SESSION="default"
[btth at localhost ~]$ 

> Another way is look at the running processes with "ps auxfw" and to look
> for a process called "xfce4-session". If you can see it  I would say you
> are running Xfce.

	Again alas! I tried both "ps auxfw|grep xfce" and "ps auxfw|most" 
and scanned the latter. 

	So what is the default desktop for M 4, and how do I get xfce 
instead?? I'm sure I had it in M 3.
Beartooth Staffwright, Neo-Redneck Not Quite Clueless Power User
Remember I have precious (very precious!) little idea where up is.

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