Delay before getting right-click menu on desktop items

wwp subscript at
Sat Feb 1 11:07:42 CET 2014

Hello there,

using Xfce 4.10 on a CentOS6 64-bit (Latitude E6530 laptop, Intel
Core i5-3320M CPU @2.60GHz 4-core)..

there's a 2-3 second delay when I right-click a desktop item before the
context menu shows up. After that, further right-clicks will show the
menu instantly.

What can explain such (sensitive, from a user point of view) delay?

I notice that after a long while, it's back to the first behaviour,
taking seconds to show up again. Is there a menu cache or buffering?
Something that could be pre-loaded or a parameter, some possible
optimization? BTW, is that xfdesktop or thunar involved?

Is doesn't seem directly related to the similar delay you get before
opening the Applications Menu, but there it's the same story. Once it's
loaded it seems to keep loaded for a while. Way later, it will take yet
another 2-3 sec to load.


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