The future of Xfce (or beating the Gtk3 horse to death)

Chris Angelico rosuav at
Wed Mar 20 12:04:15 CET 2013

On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 9:21 PM,  <cl at> wrote:
> Alan Jesser <nigot30 at> wrote:
>> [-- multipart/alternative, encoding 7bit, 112 lines --]
>>     [-- text/plain, encoding quoted-printable, charset: iso-8859-1, 47 lines --]
>> The point I was trying to make was more about there being enough of a difference between the two that they are still perceived as separate. Of the Xfce users I know they use it because it's lighter than Gnome or KDE.
> Not all of them though.  I think there are some like me who use xfce
> simply because it's 'cleaner' and more like the old Unix boxes I used
> to work on.

I switched because I didn't like GNOME 3. But I use GTK2 for all my
GUI development, and Pike doesn't have bindings for EFL or Qt, so I'd
really like to be able to stick with GTK. If Xfce moves off GTK, would
that affect applications, or is that just a matter of the internals?


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