Lock/Unlock screen with cell phone

Michał olber michal.olber at osworld.pl
Fri Mar 15 10:21:29 CET 2013

There is some guide how do this with Android and BT :)


W dniu 15.03.2013 10:15, Xavier Naveira pisze:
> Hi,
> I'm using a little script to lock my screen when I go away and unlock 
> it when I get back by detecting the proximity of my bluetooth enabled 
> phone.
> This is a very simple script and it is probably a very dirty approach, 
> take a look if you are interested and feel free to suggest 
> improvements or send a pull request.
> https://github.com/xnaveira/DetectPhone
> Best regards,
> Xavier
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Michał Olber

Mobile: +48.793.724.907 | e-mail: michal.olber at osworld.pl
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