[Panel Plugin] Application Menu ignores Xdg

Graeme Gott graeme at gottcode.org
Mon Jul 1 14:21:25 CEST 2013

On 07/01/2013 07:28 AM, Genghis Khan wrote:
> Dear Xfce users,
> I was wondering if the Application Menu panel plugin is compliant with
> Xdg or is this menu opening any desktop launcher of Link type, of any
> protocol, in a default exo web browser?
> An example of desktop launcher of Link type is attached.
>  If I open it with Thunar 1.4.0 > SIP Client is launched. (good)
>  If I open it with Application Menu > Web Browser is launched. (bad)

It looks to me like an oversight in garcon (the library used by the
Application Menu panel plugin). Thunar just calls "exo-open" with the
URL of the desktop file, but garcon calls "exo-open --launch WebBrowser"

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