ANNOUNCE: parole 0.4.0 released

Sean Davis smd.seandavis at
Mon Jan 7 11:26:27 CET 2013

parole 0.4.0 is now available for download from

  SHA1 checksum: cb4276019985b0a19eb4292f5e142fb4a6537dc8
   MD5 checksum: 9cd6b05fbba88a85308b8385c25c4767

What is parole?

Parole is a modern simple media player based on the GStreamer framework
and written to fit well in the Xfce desktop.


Release notes for 0.4.0
Development Release 0.4.0
- Fixed build bugs #9219, #9226
- Fixed fullscreen controls (bug #9270)
- Fixed screensaver inhibition (bug #7407)
- Fixed freezing with subtitles (bug #9194)
- Fixed skipping every second ogg-vorbis in playlist (bug #9562)
- Added embedded mode (bug #8506)
- Added missing codec installation (bug #8469)
- Added custom subtitle management (bug #6731)
- Added CD and DVD playlist support
- Added DVD navigation support
- Added Recent Items in open menu
- Replaced Stream Properties plugin with AudioBox widget
- Moved notifications from system tray plugin to notify plugin.
- Added album artwork and details to notifications.
- Ported configuration to Xfconf
- Interface refinements
- Keyboard shortcut refinements (bug #9317)

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