Black Lab Linux 4.2 Beta 1 released

Wes Gregg wes_catfish at
Thu Dec 5 10:10:00 CET 2013

Well I for one am glad that this email list has its own policing agents, lol. After all, I would only have gotten one email about Black Lab Linux otherwise; sending the advertisement again for them by quoting the thing in its entirety was an interesting touch - undoubtedly the maintainers of all the other email lists could learn a thing or two from you because those silly people handle things like this via private email instead of sending it to every member of the list.

Additionally, I'm glad to learn that the true Linux philosophy is to not actually mention it to anybody when one creates a new distro. It will ensure that the future users of new distros are psychic, or at least skilled in reading chicken entails - skills I agree that Linux users should have.

I admit that I had no intention of trying this new distro after initially reading the announcement. But anything that causes someone to get so upset over the mere mention that it exists, well... It must be worth trying. Thank you for convincing me to try Black Lab Linux.

In the future, if you do not wish your strategy of whining to backfire again, might I suggest that you complain to the list maintainer - instead of doing so to all of us.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

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