prohibit iconization?

houghi houghi at
Mon Aug 5 21:21:48 CEST 2013

On Mon, Aug 05, 2013 at 01:42:16PM -0400, Renaud OLGIATI wrote:
> Some years back, I installed a Linux PC for an 80-years-old lady who wanted web-browsing, email (MUA, not the abomination known as web-mail) and Skype.
> After it was complete, I clonezilla'ed the / partition, and told her to go happily, as I could restore her install in 15 minutes.
> With this, she started using happily, without fear, and never buggered her system nor lost her data !

OTOH my parents asked me what computer they should buy. I asked them why
they would want a computer and their answer was "Because everybody has

Seriously. That was their answer. So my answer was the 'If everybody would
jump of a bridge ...' answer. I then explained them that they live in
Spain and speak Spanish, so if they have any questions they can not call
me for, to go into a pub and ask somebody.

This means they have social contact AND the information. Also most likely
they will get some free wine out of it, because if they give one wine as a
thank you, they will get (at least) two back.

Mind you, my parents are afraid of the ATM machine and the cellphone I
bought that was designed to be easy to use lies in a drawer unused because
it is too complicated.

Computers are not always the answer.


					This space left blank intentionaly

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