ANNOUNCE: midori 0.4.7 released

Christian Dywan christian at
Fri Sep 21 00:07:16 CEST 2012

On 20.09.2012 07:49, Liviu Andronic wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 11:38 PM, Christian Dywan
> <christian at> wrote:
>> midori 0.4.7 is now available for download from
> I may be wrong, but 0.4.7 seems much quicker at rendering than
> previous releases. (This includes the speed dial.) Using
> WebKitGTK+	1.8.1. Several other issues with Midori on Xubuntu Precise
> that I haven't yet reported got fixed in this release. Thanks!
There've been some optimizations and an effort to make visible loading
more consistent. I'm happy to hear this seems to indeed help.
> One question about the new security mechanism. The waf configure
> script checks for:
> Checking for gcr-3-gtk2 >= 2.32             : no
> and doesn't find it even if libgcr-3-dev [1] is installed (on Xubuntu
> Precise). This libgcr-3-dev depends on GTK3. There is a no longer
> distributed libgcr-dev [1] which depends on GTK2, but is not
> distributed with Precise. Is this the dep that Midori is looking for?
Hey Liviu,

gcr-3 upstream dropped support for GTK+2, so you have 2 choices:

· Use --enable-gtk3 and build with GTK+3.
· Get the patch in lp#1026441 to build GCR with GTK+2 support

There's current lack of a maintainer for this patched GCR and upstream
doesn't want to shoulder the work due to lack of manpower.




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