Xfce with sawfish as wm

Allin Cottrell cottrell at wfu.edu
Tue Sep 18 15:39:51 CEST 2012

I prefer using sawfish as window-manager with Xfce. Mostly 
this works OK, except that the X screen looks chaotic at 
start-up. This seems to be an effect of the order in which 
programs are launched, with sawish starting after other 

In the Xfce "Sessions/Session and Startup" dialog I see 
sawfish marked as Priority 247. I can go into the Priority 
field and type "15" (which I gather is the right value for a 
wm) but it immediately reverts to 247.

Other info: I'm starting Xfce 4.10 from the console via xinit. 
I originally got sawfish to replace xfwm4 by doing "sawfish 
--replace" in an Xfce session, and that much is being 
remembered OK from session to session.

Any help would be appreciated.

Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC

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