Xfce 4.10 observations/questions

Ray Andrews rayandrews at eastlink.ca
Thu Sep 6 17:53:59 CEST 2012

On 06/09/12 08:28 AM, Liviu Andronic wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 4:15 PM, Allin Cottrell <cottrell at wfu.edu> wrote:
>> I'm a refugee from gnome,
They're still trickling in, I guess Gnome still hasn't gotten their head 
sorted out.
> 3) I appreciate the ability to add menu actions in thunar. However, I think
> a "real delete" command should be a built-in option (as in old gnome 2), and
> the default "Delete" command should be named "Move to trash". It took me a
> while to realize that after I added a real delete action, by default it
> applied only to text files.
> Real delete is triggered by shift + delete.
Sure, but Allin is right, 'Delete' should mean delete, 'Trash' means 
move to trash, and both should be there by default.
> Regards
> Liviu
>> --
>> Allin Cottrell
>> Department of Economics
>> Wake Forest University, NC
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