border sensitivity

Ray Andrews rayandrews at
Fri Nov 16 03:29:37 CET 2012

On 15/11/12 04:17 PM, Worrier Poet wrote:
> I've just scanned the messages in this thread occasionally, so I may 
> have missed it. But I don't think I've seen anyone mention the use of 
> the menu for each window that becomes available when the window has 
> focus, and <Alt>+<Space> is invoked. Selecting R (for resize) from 
> that menu and using the arrow keys allows resizing of the window. The 
> first arrow key hit selects the border to be moved, and subsequent use 
> of the arrow keys moves that border. It's the only way I ever resize 
> windows. You might want to make use of settings in the Advanced tab of 
> the Window Manager settings dialog to adjust the way this resizing 
> feature works -- snapping to other window edges, desktop, etc. I hope 
> I'm making sense. Migraine + medication = moron (albeit with good 
> intentions). ;-) 

More good tips.  One day I must study all xfce hotkeys.

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