
Lionel Le Folgoc lionel at lefolgoc.net
Thu Nov 15 19:29:51 CET 2012


On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 07:13:31PM +0100, Boris Hollas wrote:
> On 15.11.2012 17:33, houghi wrote:
> >Does `xfce4-display-settings` work? It does not with me. I have no idea if
> Yes, the GUI-program works. But I want to use xfce4-display-settings
> in a shell script that is bound to a key without further user input.
> This is because sometimes display switching doesn't work and my
> screen is black.

You can't, there's no command line interface for xfce4-display-settings
(only '-m' to start the minimal dialog). The --display option you're
trying to use comes from gtk, and doesn't have the same meaning as
xrandr displays (:0.0 vs. LVDS).

You should use xfconf-query instead to set directly the xfconf
properties (e.g. "/Default/LVDS1/Resolution" to "1280x800"), and when
you're done, set "/Schemes/Apply" to "Default" to let xfsettingsd apply
your changes.


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