Nepomuk and Akonadi

Neil Winchurst neilwin at
Wed Nov 14 19:00:09 CET 2012

On 14/11/12 17:24, abhinav wrote:
> On 11/14/2012 8:58 AM, Neil Winchurst wrote:
>> Two laptops at home run Xfce but at the moment my desktop is running
>> KDE. This is set to change in a day or two when I too will be moving to
>> Xfce.
>> One of the annoying things about KDE is this nonsense with nepomuk and
>> akonadi. I don't want them so I have turned them off.
>> My question is, what is the situation with Xfce with these programs? Are
>> they present? I have searched and not found them, but I would like to be
>> sure, so if anyone can help please.
>> In case it is relevant I plan to install Mint Maya Xfce.
>> Thanks
>> Neil
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> Nope XFCE doesn't have Nepomuk or akonadi unless you install them as
> they are KDE programs.
> xfce is very light weight and gives users the absolute freedom to
> install whatever they wish :)
Thanks for the very quick replies. The answer is as I hoped. I am fed up
with KDE, Gnome, Cinnamon etc which are getting too bloated for me. Also
it will mean that all the computers at home are running the same desk top.

Now I have to finally decide between Mint Maya Xfce and Xubuntu. At the
moment Mint is winning.



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