Problem with launcher panel

killermoehre killermoehre at
Thu May 17 19:28:08 CEST 2012

Am 17.05.2012 19:13, schrieb JD:
> After an update, the launcher panel with all the workspaces is
> no longer staying in a fixed arrangement as before.
> The workspaces move up and down the panel, depending
> on which workspace I select. This is NOT a comfortable UI.
> I have oriented the panel vertically. It is most annoying to
> have your workspaces be repositioned every time you select
> a different workspace. Which xfce package is doing this?
> I need to roll it back to the previous version.

Hi JD,

just add an expanding spacer after the window list. This behavior is
intended and solves a bug. This stands in the release infos, too. Or
could be solved with a little bit searching.
But to answer your question… you have to roll back whole xfce to 4.8 to
get the old behavior, because some lib-changes were made.


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