ANNOUNCE: midori 0.4.6 released

kenneth marken kemarken at
Tue May 15 01:19:20 CEST 2012

On 15. mai 2012 00:57, Christian Dywan wrote:
> midori 0.4.6 is now available for download from
>    SHA1 checksum: da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709
>     MD5 checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
> What is midori?
> ===============
> A lightweight web browser based on WebKitGTK+, for Unix, Windows, Maemo
> and other platforms. Several extensions provide advanced functionality
> such as advertisement blocking, cookie management, userscripts or mouse
> gestures.
> Website:
> Release notes for 0.4.6
> =======================
> Time for a bag full of bug fixes. Prominently 0.4.5 has a regression
> that causes security status to not work at all, so I urge all 0.4.5
> users to update immediately.
> We fixed potential crasher bugs in the geolocation infobar,
> about:version on some systems and opening bookmarks from Unity global
> menu in Ubuntu 12.04.
> Problems with wrong page icons in multi-frame sites like Google Mail or
> Tumbler have been addressed. If WebKit 1.8.0 is available Midori will
> use its WebKitFaviconDatabase interface to improve page icon
> consistency.
> Chinese users will like that Midori now offers both Simplified and
> Traditional Chinese charsets out of the box in case you need to override
> it.
> Finally, say goodbye to empty tabs due to opening download links with a
> target. Kudos to Martin for looking into that!

was this sent a bit early? Seems the tar-ball is missing on the 

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