Chnage application menu? -

Bob Goodwin bobgoodwin at
Fri Mar 16 16:47:24 CET 2012

On 03/15/2012 04:07 PM, Ajax Criterion wrote:
> I'm assuming you are looking to change the name that is displayed in
> the XFCE menu, correct?  If that is the case, then you can edit the
> .desktop entry for the desired application, which ought to be some
> place like /usr/share/applications (system-wide) or
> ~/.local/share/applications (user-specific). You'll have a bunch of
> files in that directory which all end in the extension '.desktop'
> (when viewed in a terminal; when viewed in a file manager they might
> show up with the same display name as shown in the XFCE menu).  Open
> the one you want to change in a text editor, find the line that starts
> with "Name=" and edit that line to read how you want it displayed in
> the menu.  Save the file, then log out and back into XFCE (or run
> 'xfce4-panel -r' from the command line to restart the panel), and the
> application should show up with your custom name in the menu.
> -Ahau

        Thank you! That's exactly what I needed.

        I can change the name to "Scanner Tool - XSANE" for example
        which is more meaningful to me.



> On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 6:03 AM, Bob Goodwin<bobgoodwin at>  wrote:
>>        In Fedora -16/64 [installed from the XFCE Live spin] I would
>>        like to change some of the application names. I've installed
>>        "alacarte" which is supposed to do that but:
>>            ImportError: No module named gmenu
>>        results when I run it. Can anyone tell me how to deal with this
>>        short of installing Gnome?
>>        Bob
>>        --

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