Problems with recording.

Ray Andrews rayandrews at
Fri Jun 15 01:42:30 CEST 2012

On 14/06/12 01:38 PM, Sergio wrote:
> You may find among huge amounts of people doing the same question a few answers.
You hate to think how much time has been spent screwing around with 
things like this, and wasting time on forums and mailing lists, just 
because there is no decent documentation.
> I don't understand this but basically the sound is taken care by alsa (enter alsamixer) and pulseaudio is a layer over it that (I think) enables to have more control over the sound streams.
> Now thinking about it, gnome-volume-whatever IIRC offers mostly the same as pavucontrol (plus GNOME specific stuff like setting the sound theme for event sounds).
They all seem a bit the same and yet a bit different.  I'd like to know 
what is really being changed.

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