small Mail Watcher plugin available?

houghi houghi at
Sun Jun 10 17:21:33 CEST 2012

On Sun, Jun 10, 2012 at 04:56:30PM +0200, houghi wrote:
> > I can understand if someting like wmbiff is not possible, but will it be
> > possible in the (near) future to have the Mail Watcher not on the whole
> > width of the panel, but just on a part?
> I have send an email asking to move it to Factory. However the people of

DOH! Replied to the wrong message. Sorry.

	Personally, I think most sports fans are a little "gay". They'd
	rather watch a bunch of sweaty guys jumping all over eachother, 
	than, say fashion TV - where hot models walk down the runway.

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