thunar-volman not mountig dirves at begining whn slim manager is loaded

Pablo Trujillo pabloctrujillov at
Thu Jun 7 23:21:53 CEST 2012


I'm working in a custom-made os based in ubuntu it has xfce4 + thunar
+ slim + other stuff.

right now Im working with the usb and drives auto-mounting. I set the
policy rules,  running the ck-launch-session , etc, etc as I saw in
the web when I search about it.

All works fine, when I plug the usb drives the OS mount all with no problem.

But I realized that when the drive is already plug  and start the slim
login manager, and this load the thunar (I can see it with ps -A ).
No volume is mounted. howere I can see it in the thuanr window and
when I click on them they are mounted.

But I need that this devices are already mounted when I  load my application.

In the previous version of thunar-volman  I made this step using the
volman --added-device option  from  a script, and running this script
when slim is started and it works.

this option needs a UDI and for that I use HAL to get this, but in
this new version this is not working . I know that the new versions of
thunar-volman are not using hal anymore.

Do you have any idea about how I can resolve this with the new thunar-volman.

thanks in advance.

Sorry for my English, it is not my native language.

# Pablus
Linux User 517003
Ing. Pablo Trujillo
Ingeniero de Desarrollo

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