ANNOUNCE: xfce4-weather-plugin 0.8.0 released

Liviu Andronic landronimirc at
Mon Jul 30 21:11:47 CEST 2012

On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 11:54 AM, Harald Judt <h.judt at> wrote:
> Am 27.07.2012 10:28, schrieb Liviu Andronic:
>> If we are seriously considering Google as a provider, then I would
>> suggest to give serious consideration to DDG, a privacy-respectful
>> search engine that incidentally is the default search engine of
>> Midori. Searching for 'weather oslo' in DDG [1] will essentially
>> provide the same info as Google (not to mention that it systematically
>> provides both types of units: C/kph and F/mph). And I've just sent
>> them an inquiry regarding the existence of a free, public API and its
>> potential use by our plugin. Will keep you posted.
>> [1]
> A public API would be fine indeed, but a search results page is no good
> solution, a small change can break the plugin easily. I wonder whether they
> are allowed to make it public though.
How would it be different from the way Google makes the info public?
Anyways, I sent an "official" inquiry regarding the API and public
availability/redistribution of the data. I didn't yet get a reply, but
will keep you posted.


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